If you have a special occasion coming up or need to get a quick 10 pounds off I am going to share my 3 favorite things to hack your body for weight loss.

Add Fresh Ginger and Lemon to your ONE GALLON of water per day. This serves to hydrate your body and also is anti-inflammatory for your body. Lemon is very detoxiying too. I aim to add a full thumb size FRESH ginger per day and at least one full FRESH lemon most days.
Over 100 grams of protein a day. Seems like a lot, but it will help you drop weight fast. Make sure it is grass fed or wild caught. Also while your at it, add in 5 cups of green veggies per day!! When you load up on protein and veggies you will feel strong and lean.
Sit and Destress for at least 10-20 minutes per day. This is my favorite. So many people are so stressed out, no matter what they try they can’t drop weight. Get your body out of stress to find a faster way to fat loss. This is a no brainer in the world we live in today. Along with this, get out for gentle walks for 30 minutes per day. I Love to walk to my favorite hiking trail not too far and then I have my Prayer rock I sit on for about 20 minutes to breathe and pray then I head back. Its a great way to destress and move my body.
If you love these tips and want more, check out my VIP Hormone Healing Program where we do a comprehensive hormone, thyroid, and insulin test to see where your starting point is. You will also be worlking directly with me for 3 months, and be taking part in my comprehensive video educational series teaching you all about the information I mentioned plus 100 times more. You will once and for all start to know and understand your body, hormones and follow a path tailored just for you to feel your best again!!!