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Hair Salon Hairdresser

You Deserve the Truth~ And Your Hair Holds A Story

You Don't Have to Suffer in Silence.....

As a holistic Doctor with over 20 years, I am passionate about helping you find answers. FIND THE TRUTH!! As I have been saying for nearly 2 decades... TEST, don't guess. 


Hair Follicle Testing looks deep into the DNA of your hair follicles and can help you evaluate your epigenetics and lifestyle profile to get you ANSWERS you deserve!

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Hair Follicle Testing

  • Will test for over 800 biomarkers

  • Tests for Vitamins and Minerals

  • Toxins and Chemical Exposures

  • Fatty Acid Levels

  • Hormone and Biochemistry

  • Metabolic Processes in Your Body

Imagine Finding The Missing Link 

Imagine the energy you could reclaim. 

Imagine the Hair could grow back. 

Imagine Having a Sexual Desire back. 

Imagine living without pain. 

Imagine Sleeping peaceful. 

Or Life with now Overwhelm.....

 It Is Possible!!! When you actually have the Missing Links Figured out. 

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Sample Report 

You will receive a 38 page Colorful and detailed report on each category. It will go over what your imbalances are and recommendations for lifestyle changes and even supplement recommendations. 


All from a few strands of hair. Those tiny follicles hold your health story from your DNA strands.


This is a powerful New test For you to try!!! 

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How to Get Started

Grab Your Hair follicle test today!! It's simple to order and comes right to your doorstep. You mail the kit back to the lab and in a week or two we will discuss your results. 

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